Robotic Surgery is the latest advancement in minimally invasive surgery technique. After diagnosis of a surgical condition which requires intervention, the surgeon decides on the method of surgery suitable for the condition on the patients. In patients who choose to have minimally invasive surgery the option remains between laparoscopy and robotic surgery. The Laparoscopic Surgery uses 2D vision with limited movement of the instruments. The robotic surgery is the advancement of minimally invasive surgery which uses 3-D vision, with a much more magnification, and use off wristed instruments which allows finer dissection. This enables surgeons to perform surgery at ease. And hence allows quicker recovery of the patient and early discharge to home. There is also less blood loss compared to traditional surgeries.

In the field of gynecology, robotic surgery is extremely useful in a hysterectomy, pelvic organ prolapse such as sacral colpopexy, endometrial surgery and Gynaeoncology.