This is out attempt to impart information regarding various aspects of pregnancy in an informal way without the constraints of time. We know that the anxiety related to pregnancy, delivery process and care of the new born can be markedly reduced if you are well informed.These are formatted in the following schedule.

1st Step
  • Diet in Pregnancy (Dietician)
  • Stages of fetal development (Gynecologists)
  • Signs and symptoms of pregnancy (Gynecologist)
  • Posture care (Physiotherapist)
  • Q & A sessions
2st Step
  • Antenatal care and special situations (Gynecologist)
  • Breathing and Stretching exercises (Physiotherapist)
  • Q & A sessions
3st Step
  • Video of delivery
  • Signs of labor
  • Normal and instrumental birth (Gynecologist)
  • Relaxation Exercises (Physiotherapist)
4st Step
  • Pain relief during Labor (Anesthetist)
  • Post Partum Care Contraception (Gynecologist)
5st Step
  • How to cope / parenting (Psychologist)
  • Breast Feeding (Pediatrician)
  • Immunization (Pediatrician)